Just because a person passes their Georgia driving test does not mean that they are familiar with every law of the road. For instance, many Georgia drivers may be unsure about the state’s headlight usage laws. Many vehicles now have automatic headlight features, which keeps drivers from having to remember to turn their lights on and off. It is still important for drivers on Georgia roadways to know the state’s laws, just in case.
In the state of Georgia, drivers of motor vehicles are required to illuminate their automobile’s headlights in each of the following situations:
- At night: 30 minutes after sunset
- In early morning hours: 30 minutes before sunrise
- During poor weather conditions, such as rain. When visibility is reduced to under 500 feet for any reason (smoke, fog, snow, sleet, etc.), headlights must be turned on.
Proper headlight usage is an important step in preventing automobile accidents. Front and back lights on a vehicle are safety features that may be taken for granted, but have the ability to save lives. High-beam headlights should only be used when a vehicle is not traveling near other vehicles, such as on rural roadways. Always dim/lower your vehicle’s headlights when you are approaching a vehicle within 500 feet, following a vehicle within 200 feet, and while driving in snow, fog, rain, or smoke. At night, oncoming headlights can cause glaring that may decrease a driver’s vision even when high-beams are not in use. Any time you are traveling after dark on unfamiliar roads, use extra caution and drive slowly.
Other ways to ensure safe driving may include ensuring that your vehicle’s headlights are in proper working order. Keeping the lenses clear and clean, as well as aligned at the proper level will ensure the best working order. Your vehicle’s windshield should also be kept clean, as headlights are useless if a driver cannot see out the front windshield properly.
These tips may seem obvious to some, but the causes of serious auto accidents and crashes are often shocking. The best way to prevent an accident is to prepare a vehicle ahead of time. Road conditions and visibility cannot be used to excuse liability in a car accident, so safe driving techniques may save headaches down the road.
If you have been injured in a car accident in Georgia due to someone else’s negligence, contact Jones & Swanson today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case!