Selecting the appropriate coverage for your individual needs or those of your family as a whole can be tough. The auto insurance lingo isn’t always easy to understand or clear to the everyday person – and unfortunately not all insurance agents are willing to take the time to fully explain each and every option to clients. Fortunately, many agents are happy to take the time to go through the many protections offered to you in the event of a crash, injury, or other instance where auto insurance is needed. We urge those who contact us about auto insurance to shop around for an agency and/or agent they feel comfortable. It is important that you trust your insurance company to provide expertise even when specific questions are not asked – because many times we simply don’t know to ask them until it’s too late. Agents who suggest coverage options personalized to a plan’s members are fantastic resources.
Because Jones & Swanson primarily represents victims of automobile accidents, we deal with auto insurance companies on a daily basis. This affords us an inside knowledge of how insurance companies, adjusters, agents and policies work. Here are a few coverage options afforded to Georgians under automobile insurance policies:
- Liability Protection: Pays for the cost of injury that others suffer as a result of an automobile accident with you. Without this protection, you’d have to pay these expenses out of pocket.
- Medical Payments: Covers financial protection from medical bills you incur as a result of an auto accident, even as a pedestrian.
- Uninsured Motorist: Protects you from uninsured motorists. This coverage protects your personal assets if you are injured by a driver who doesn’t have insurance and can’t pay your medical bills.
- Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Similar to uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage protects against insignificant coverage. This is triggered when the at fault driver has insurance, but not enough to cover your medical expenses.
- Damage to Vehicle: Pays to repair your damaged vehicle – subject to a deductible.
Each of these auto insurance policy components should be considered to fully protect yourself and others on Georgia roadways. It is always our suggestion to purchase the maximum amount of coverage that you possibly can – you never know when you’ll need to protect yourself financially. For more information about automobile insurance or to schedule a complementary and informative Lunch and Learn at your workplace or community event, please contact Jones & Swanson at 770-427-5498 today.