HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR CASEGuidance From An Experienced Legal Team The steps you take after you are injured in...
BENCHMARKS FOR INJURY CASESOur Guidelines For Determining Which Cases To Accept At Jones & Swanson, we use certain general guidelines...
We often speak with clients who have been told by insurance adjusters they do not need to hire an attorney....
REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS OF YOUR CLAIMHelpful Information From A Personal Injury Law Firm When you are entering into a personal injury claim or...
Depending on your insurer, other options typically include collision/comprehensive coverage, medical payments coverage (medpay), rental car, road side assistance, wage replacement,...
UM coverage is not required under Georgia law; however, the law does require your insurer to give you the option. Your...
The answer to this question is different for each person and depends on the level of protection needed. You should...
YES. You should contact your own insurance company to notify them of your involvement in an accident. You may also...
The bottom line answer is NO. You are not required to talk with the other party’s insurance company when you’ve...
In order to get a copy of the accident report, you must contact the police agency that responded to the...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.