Have you been involved in an auto accident? The insurance claims process can be overwhelming when you are trying to...
The recent stories of road rage both in New York and locally in Kennesaw motivate the Law Offices of Andrew...
As personal injury attorneys, we review clients' auto insurance policies quite often. Unfortunately, not everyone is adequately educated on the...
Although there is a potential legal claim for any auto crash which causes injuries due to another person's negligence, those...
Driver's education is an important tool for teenage drivers. It not only educates them, but prepares them for potential dangers...
Summer road trips are some of the most popular vacations for Georgians. Here's a list of safety tips to keep...
Lawn-mower injuries are more common than you may think, so we've compiled a list of safety tips to keep in...
Drunk driving is very dangerous, both to those drivers and everyone on the road around them. We have listed common...
Backovers and frontovers occur when drivers cannot see small children in front and behind of their vehicles. This article provides...
Unfortunately, vehicles are sometimes sold after being damaged in natural events, such as those flooded in Hurricane Sandy. Here are...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.