You’re sitting in the middle of a crowded intersection inside the pile of rubble that used to be your car, after being broadsided by another vehicle.
You’ve Been In A Car Accident – What Now?
After the police reports have been filed, your car has been towed and you’re on your way home, you think you can finally start to relax.
Just because the car accident is over, doesn’t mean the troubles go with it. You may become yet another victim of the insurance companies in the world attempting to save money. So now what?
Whatever you do, do not speak or sign anything.
Car insurance companies don’t become as large as they are by giving money away, and their goals are to settle cases as quickly and inexpensively as possible. These companies use claims adjusters that have tricks to accomplish those goals as well. Adjusters might try to convince you to settle immediately, trick you into compromising your case, or convince you to use one of their “select” repair shops. If your car is totaled, don’t get excited and start looking for new cars expecting to have it paid for. Insurance companies usually offer victims much less than fair replacement value for their vehicles.
What Should You Do If You’re Involved In A Car Accident?
- Zip It! Don’t apologize, don’t give too much information, and don’t speak at all if you can help it. Apologies can be misinterpreted to mean that you believe you were at fault. Stick to the bare minimum when you have to speak, even with the police or medical personnel. In situations such as these, victims are so shaken that they just can’t stop talking. Claims adjusters will use anything against you, even the things you say when attempting to lighten the mood. Stick to the basics with anyone that you speak to.
- Gather Info: This includes the contact information of other people involved in the accident. Also, write down the make, model, and license plate of the other vehicles involved. Take photos of the accident and people involved. Finally, get a copy of the police report
- Don’t try to be “tough.” Tell someone if you’re in pain, even if the pain arises after the incident. In some cases, victims do not start experiencing symptoms of injury until days after the incident occurred.
No matter what the situation, claims adjusters are trying to save money for the companies that they work for. You do not have to speak to them right away. Victims almost always make a mistake when they settle too soon after an auto accident.
Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident Case In Marietta?
Injured in a car accident in Marietta? It’s important to contact an attorney with experience in handling these cases. Marietta car accident lawyer Andrew W. Jones can help make sure that you receive the proper compensation for your troubles. Call today to discuss your case and to begin the process of receiving the money that you deserve.