The metro-Atlanta area has experienced record-high levels of rain in recent weeks. Fortunately the wet weather has stopped for now, but we are expected to see more soon. This rain combined with cold winter weather can lead to damage to homes and automobiles throughout Georgia. Here are a few things to take care of before the rain begins again:
- Roofs: If your home’s roof is more than 10 years old, it is time for an inspection. Most companies provide free inspections to determine necessary repairs. If you’re at the point of seeing leaks inside your home, it’s more than likely too late.
- Windows: Inspect every window in your home for leaks and wet spots. The last thing you want during wet winter weather is for dampness to enter your windows and rot the frames.
- Tires: Wet roads many times lead to auto accidents because of spinning out and hydroplaning. Standing water can be very difficult to navigate even with brand new tires, and is especially dangerous if your tire tread is low. Many Marietta roadways are undergoing construction, which is also a common cause of motor vehicle accidents when visibility is low. To test your tire tread, use a penny on the inside where wires show on the tire. The tire tread should come at a minimum to the top of Lincoln’s head. If it does not, your vehicle is at increased risk of sliding. If your tread is good, move on to checking the tire pressure. Compare the pressure in each tire to your manufacturer’s suggestions and inflate them appropriately. If you’re not sure about tread or pressure, simply take your vehicle to a professional to have the tires inspected.
- Windshield Wipers: Windshield wiper blades that leave streaks behind should be replaced before rainy weather begins. Visibility is low in heavy rain without adding streaks and lines left from worn wiper blades.
- Headlights and Brake Lights: Replace dim or missing headlights and brake lights for increased visibility – both for you and those drivers traveling around you. Georgia laws state that your headlights must be on in rainy conditions, so make sure lights are in proper working order.
- Brakes: The stopping distance required on wet roads is much higher than on dry counterparts. If your vehicle’s brakes are worn, this can lead to dangerous situations when faced with sudden stops or slowing.
- Batteries: Take your vehicle to a local mechanic for battery testing before the main stretch of winter weather hits. Being stranded because of a dead battery is never fun and in extreme cases can lead to dangerous conditions for occupants waiting for a boost or ride.
At Jones & Swanson, we urge all Georgia drivers to plan ahead this wet winter season. Addressing winter preparation tips for your home and vehicle can ultimately prevent injuries or otherwise frustrating situations.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Personal Injury, Safety Tips