The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety titled one of their reports “Unlicensed to Kill”, and it focused on the high risk of unlicensed drivers on the road. One out of every five car crashes involving fatalities involve someone who either lacks a valid license, has a suspended license, or has a license that is in question by law enforcement officials.
“Unlicensed to Kill” goes on to report that approximately 8,500 people die each year in accidents caused by unlicensed drivers. Nearly 30% of those law-breaking drivers had three or more suspensions or cancellations on their license in the three years prior to their fatal accident. These statistics are intimidating and surprising, both in the number of unlicensed drivers on the roads around us, as well as the threat they pose to the safety of the road.
Research shows that high-risk drivers are more likely to be distracted while driving, exceed designated speed limits, and drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Although it may not be possible to identify non-legal drivers while traveling metro Atlanta and Marietta roadways, this report serves to raise awareness and increase caution when driving. Drivers must posess a valid drivers’ license in order to be covered under an automobile insurance policy, so these drivers are not only putting others at risk – they are doing so without protection in case they cause an accident. Recovering damages following a crash caused by an unlicensed driver would be must more difficult than doing so against a driver with auto insurance. Regardless of the reason for driving without a license, non-licensed drivers choosing to defy the law can affect a great number of lives negatively.
We urge readers to always stay focused and alert when driving. Distractions come easily, and even though you may not be distracted when driving – other drivers may be.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Distracted Driving, Safety Tips