Prepping for your Thanksgiving travels? So are millions of others in the state of Georgia, especially in and around the metro Atlanta area. “Food comas” are all too common on Thanksgiving or the day after, so it’ time to prepare now. Unfortunately for many people this also includes drinking and driving.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, from 2015 to 2019 135 drivers were involved in fatal crashes due to alcohol impairment. Over the entire Thanksgiving break period nearly 800 people died due to alcohol impaired accidents. How can you avoid or prevent auto accidents due to drunk driving?
Follow These Four Safety Tips To Help Reduce The Risk Of Getting Into An Accident:
- Check your car and get a tune up before you leave for travel. If you plan on taking a road trip to family, even if it not necessarily a long trip, make sure your car has been serviced. Tires sometimes need to be replaced, oil changed and brakes checked to completely ensure your safety.
- Traveling after feasting? We all feel the “food coma” that comes after eating a good Thanksgiving meal. Scientifically, turkey is full of tryptophan, which can make you very sleepy. And driving while tired can give similar effects to driving under the influence.
- Don’t drive under the influence. It goes without saying you should not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Every day about 28 people in the United States alone die in drunk driving accidents, and this number only increases during the holidays due the sheer number of people on roadways. If you had a few drinks at dinner, plan ahead. Grab an Uber, Lyft or stay with your family overnight.
- Make sure you’re staying alert and aware of those around you. Don’t text and drive or be on the phone. Make sure your eyes are free to see what’s happening around you. Due to an increased number of drivers during Thanksgiving, there might be unexpected traffic or stops. Don’t travel over the speed limit or drive too fast for wet or cold weather conditions. By removing all distracts you’ll be able to fully focus on the road and your surroundings, which will improve safety of those in the car with and around you.
if You Of Someone You Know Are Injured In A Car Accident While Traveling Over The Thanksgiving Or Christmas Holidays, Give Jones & Swanson A Call At (770) 427-5498 Or contact Us Online To Discuss Your Potential Legal Options During A Free Case Evaluation.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Defensive Driving, Drowsy Driving, Drunk Driving, FAQ, Motorcycle Accident, Personal Injury, Safety Tips, Seatbelt Safety, Texting Accidents, Truck Accident, Trucking Accidents