Jones & Swanson celebrates National Waterpark Day with a focus on preventing waterpark slip and fall dangers. Enjoy the fun...
Jones & Swanson shares essential tips for driving safely in the rain and weatherproofing your car. Stay prepared and protected...
Celebrate National Motorcycle Day with J&S , focusing on safe riding habits and understanding your legal rights in case of...
Marietta personal injury attorneys provide safety tips you'll need to protect your property, your family and yourself this 4th of...
Memorial Day is one of the most dangerous days to drive in the country. Your friends at Jones & Swanson...
May 22 through June 4 is the NHTSA's Click It or Ticket campaign, and Jones & Swanson expresses the importance...
Rideshare services are convenient, but accidents involving rideshares are increasing. Here's what you should know if you're hurt in a...
It's Alcohol Awareness Month and Jones & Swanson is sharing a few facts behind driving impaired and tips you need...
April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. You can do your part by putting away distractions and focusing on the...
Georgia Bill 189 is heading to the Senate. If it passes, heavier trucks will be allowed to travel on Georgia...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.