Halloween is finally upon us and here at Jones & Swanson we want to remind everyone that while you can be excited and enjoy plenty of candy, you have to keep an eye out for common dangers many miss when they’re having too much fun!
Unbeknownst to most, slip and falls are one of the most common accidents that take place on Halloween night and we’d like to make sure parents and their kids alike are safe and sound this season!
- Wear reliable footwear. We know it can be tempting to wear a lore-accurate set of chunky boots or maybe a pair of stilettos with your costume, but remember you’re trekking across streets and front yards to reach your sweet tooth destination. Make sure that you opt for a slip-resistant well-fitted comfortable shoe!
- Bring the lights. The decor may be bright but that doesn’t mean your path might always be. Carry a flashlight and mind your step!
- Beware of the capes. Long capes and flowing fabrics can be a cool dramatic effect to your super hero costume, but be mindful of how long it reaches. You will need to think of uneven terrain and climbing stairs to which you may just trip on yourself.
- Watch for wet surfaces. The weather in Georgia can always be unpredictable, not to mention the abundance of unraked leaves! Be aware that a slippery surface can ‘slip’ up on you at any moment. Proceed with caution and watch your step.
- Watch the steps. While were all excited to race to the front door to have first pick on a bowl of candy, be mindful of hazardous steps. Stairs can have decor, cords, or worse cracks and breaks in them that may lead to an accident.
- Stay in a group and look out for each other. Not only is it fun but it’s safer to not trick-or-treat alone. Many others in your group can be your eyes and support when and if a slip and fall may occur.
- Plan your journey. Plan where you want your Halloween quest to go, avoid cutting through yards and difficult terrains that aren’t well-lit. Knowing the path in advance can assure the safest route.
Remember everyone here at Jones & Swanson wants to make sure that the only scare you receive this Halloween is a spooky costume or haunted story! With extra precaution and these tips in mind, you can ensure that your night will be one to remember!
If You Or Someone You Know Has Been In A Slip And Fall On Halloween Due To The Negligence Of Others, Seek Immediate Medical Assistance And Then Give Us A Call At (770) 427-5498 Or contact Us On Awjlaw.com for A Free Consultation To Find Out The Next Steps You May Want To Take.
Categories: Halloween Safety, Safety Tips, Slip and Fall