As ghosts, goblins, princesses, and superheroes wander and sometimes run around the streets of Cobb County on Halloween in search of candy and treats, drivers have to be extra cautious to avoid causing a truly horrifying accident.
The scariest part about Halloween is that for pedestrians, it’s one of the deadliest days of the year, many of whom are children. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), on Halloween night between 2013 and 2017, 158 people lost their lives in drunk driving crashes. And the National Safety Council reports that children are “more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than any other day of the year.” In this article, we offer some tips on how to drive safely so your Halloween can be safe and accident-free.
Safety Tips For Motorists
Every driver should practice these safe driving tips on Halloween:
- Be alert for children walking on the road and darting out into the street.
- When it gets dark, watch for children, even if they aren’t carrying flashlights or wearing reflective clothing.
- Discourage new drivers from hitting the road on Halloween night.
- Drive slowly in residential neighborhoods.
- Do not drink and drive and don’t let others drink and drive. Drunk driving increases the risk of injuring a pedestrian.
- Do not text while driving.
- Watch for children who may dart out into the street. If you spot one child, realize there may be more coming.
- If you are driving your children around for trick-or-treating, make sure they buckle up every time they get in the car.
- As you look for a place to let children exit at the curb, pull over to a safe location where the children are away from traffic. Turn on your hazard lights as to alert other drivers that you’re stopping your car.
- Enter and exit driveways, alleys, and parking lots very carefully.
To learn more about practicing safe driving habits on Halloween, visit the NHTSA’s website by clicking here. If you need an experienced personal injury attorney to represent you in a car or pedestrian accident claim, contact Jones & Swanson at (770) 427-5498.
Categories: Safety Tips