Most metro-Atlanta citizens are aware that all automobiles pose a significant threat, regardless of type or size. As long as there are drivers on Georgia roads, there will be crashes simply because no one is perfect and human error is inevitable. We can only hope that the wrecks that do occur are minor and do not cause injury or harm to anyone involved.
Unfortunately, Georgians are not always so lucky. Even more unfortunate is the fact that some crashes involve vehicles with numerous passengers, such as buses. The crashes that are perhaps most scary are those that involve school buses, as these vehicles transport children. A child’s body is not fully developed, so it is more likely to suffer serious injuries than older, stronger adults.
Just last month, there were two school bus accidents in our hometown of Marietta, Georgia. The first occurred on Tuesday, October 15 in the afternoon. The crash occurred on Roswell Road and involved a school bus from Dodgen Middle School. Although there were no injuries to those on the bus, two people from the other vehicle involved were taken to a nearby hospital. The second crash took place on the morning of Halloween right down the street from Jones & Swanson and the Marietta Square, at the intersection or Whitlock Avenue and Highway 120. The students on the bus were from Marietta High School. Fortunately, none of the students were injured. The driver of the vehicle that the bus struck visited nearby Kennestone Hospital for treatment, but was released shortly thereafter.
Fortunately, no lives were lost in these recent school bus crashes in Marietta. All too often these types of crashes cause serious injuries or even death to innocent children. Although larger vehicles, such as buses, are relatively safer than smaller passenger vehicles due to the sheer size and weight advantages, these larger methods of transportation can be dangerous as well. For instance, it is not a requirement for school bus passengers to be buckled. Most school buses don’t even have seat belts for students to wear. Wearing a seatbelt has been proven to lessen the chances of injury in automobile crashes of all kinds, so the lack of these restraining devices in vehicles that solely transport children is frightening.
For those of us with students that ride school buses, it is important to inform them of the proper safety precautions they should take while riding the bus. For instance, as soon as they enter the bus they should find a seat and remain seated for the entire ride. The driver has their best interests at heart, so they should always listen to the driver and respect their requests. Finally, children should keep all body parts inside the bus at all times.
If you or someone you love has been injured while riding a commercial bus, such as a school bus, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. It is important to contact a commercial bus attorney that represents victims in Georgia to determine the value of your potential claim as soon as possible after the crash occurs. This makes it simpler to determine fault in the crash if we have knowledge of the incident as soon as possible. For more information or for a free consultation, contact Jones & Swanson today at (770) 427-5498.
Categories: Bus Accidents