When you’re trying to determine a sufficient amount of auto insurance to carry, the full magnitude of your susceptibility may not be apparent. The state of Georgia requires all drivers to carry a minimum level of liability coverage of 25/50/25. This translates to up to $25,000 of coverage per inured person per accident, up to $50,000 total per accident for all involved, and maximum $25,000 property damage coverage. In addition to state requirements, those of us financing a vehicle likely have a contract with the lender that requires comprehensive auto insurance coverage. However, you should be purchasing auto insurance not only to protect yourself from lawsuits and damages in the event of a crash that you cause, but also to protect your own possible losses in the event of an accident caused by others who do not have insurance.
Surprisingly, more people than most of us realize are driving without auto insurance coverage. In spite of 49 states requiring a basic level of insurance coverage to be carried, the Insurance Information Institute estimates that 12.6% of drivers throughout the U.S. carry no auto insurance at all. That is equivalent to approximately one out of every eight vehicles you pass on roadways. The chances of being involved in a crash caused by an uninsured driver are higher than you may think.
Another thing to keep in mind when determining the appropriate insurance to purchase is that many people on Georgia roadways may have auto insurance, but not in an amount that would offer adequate protection to you and your loved ones. Many drivers carry just the required minimum coverage and in the case of a serious accident, that simply is not enough to cover all the damage they cause.
As practiced automobile accident attorneys, Andrew Jones and Chase Swanson work with victims of auto accidents daily. This has provided an expert understanding of automobile insurance coverage and needs that many Georgians may not be aware of. Our suggestion is to get a quote for a level higher than the coverage you think you are comfortable with, and add a million-dollar umbrella. Getting the quote is step one, and then you can decide what is best for you and your family.
For more helpful information about Georgia automobile insurance coverage, contact Jones & Swanson today at (770) 427-5498.
Categories: Auto Insurance