Unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Pedestrian safety is not something that should be taken lightly. Pedestrians- people who travel by foot, wheelchair and stroller- are among the most vulnerable users on the road. With the many distractions in today’s society, it is extremely important to be alert and aware of your surroundings. It’s crucial to keep these things in mind when traveling by foot:
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Have an escape plan – always make room to jump out of the way if needed.
- Assume that the person operating the motor vehicle is not paying attention.
- Always stay on the sidewalk, if available.
- Remember that different weather conditions may make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians.
Pedestrians often make the mistake of believing they are safe when using a sidewalk or walking through a parking lot. Although often using these means can be safe, it is important to remember the dangers that lurk. These are the things to be mindful of:
- Drivers often park on curbs or sidewalks, be sure to take extra caution when maneuvering around these obstacles.
- Be alert – listen for engine noises, watch for backup lights when walking through a parking lot.
- If there is not a sidewalk available, go out of your way to find a sidewalk or crossing. If your only choice is to walk on the road, walk facing traffic in order to view any oncoming travel.
- Always be visible by wearing light colored or reflective clothing.
As a pedestrian, crossing the street can be tricky. Often times there is not a cross walk provided or pedestrian walkway available for assistance. For safety reasons, it is critical to keep these things in mind when crossing the street:
- Stand clear of large vehicles, buses, shrubbery, parked cars, or obstacle in which drivers cannot see you.
- Refrain from using headphones, texting, using your cell phone or any other distractions that may take away from your safety.
- Try to catch the driver’s eye when using a cross walk. This ensures that operator of the motor vehicle is aware of your crossing.
- As an extra precaution, check the pedestrian signal against what the traffic is actually doing.
- When crossing multiple lanes, be sure traffic in each lane has come to a complete stop before attempting to cross.
- If you must travel at night, cross the street in a well-lit area. Unfortunately, even when taking these extra precautions, not all pedestrian accidents can be avoided.
As a Marietta personal injury law firm, we see devastating pedestrian accidents involving motor vehicles. As a result, no matter what the speed of the motor vehicle, there is often always serious personal injury. If you or someone you love has fallen victim to a Georgia pedestrian accident, please contact 770-427-5498, your Marietta personal injury attorney at Jones & Swanson.
Categories: Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury