For another year in a row, Jones & Swanson is excited to share that our personal injury attorneys have been named to Super Lawyers!
There are countless drivers traveling metro Atlanta roadways on a daily basis - but how many are un-licensed and driving...
This week is Drive Safely Work Week, promoted by the Network Employers for Traffic Safety. Even the simplest change to...
There have been multiple jury verdicts in the news recently involving baby powder - the talcum products have been tied...
Both Attorneys Andrew Jones and Chase Swanson were awarded Super Lawyers recognition for the 2017 year. Andrew received the Super...
For our second Child Passenger Safety Week post, we've detailed the importance of pregnant mothers wearing seat belts. Here's some...
A Jones & Swanson staff member recently visited Indonesia to participate serve with Mercy Indonesia. The organization works with orphanages...
As fall quickly approaches, so do flannel, bonfires and football. Football games mean higher traffic levels, so Jones & Swanson...
The leading cause of death in children many be somewhat surprising - automobile accidents. In 2012, 1/3 child deaths were...
A big congratulations to Attorney Chase Swanson's younger brother, Dansby, on making his big-league debut. Go Braves!
Jones & Swanson had two cases go to trial last week. Attorneys Jones & Swanson each represented their own cases,...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.