For another year in a row, Jones & Swanson is excited to share that our personal injury attorneys have been named to Super Lawyers!
Solicitation by attorneys or their representatives directly violates the Georgia Rule of Professional Conduct 7.3, but that doesn't prevent it...
If you're considering hiring contractors to do work on your property, it is important to understand who might be liable...
There are countless ways for your to give back to your community - both with time and money. Don't forget...
A couple of accidents in the news recently involved drivers using Facebook Live at the time of the crash. Distracted...
Ford Motor Company recently announced a recall of more than 600,000 automobiles due to a seatbelt defect. The recall will...
The Cops & Kids 29th Annual Christmas Shopping event is scheduled for December 14. By sponsoring the program, you allow...
Deer-automobile crashes are more common in the month of November than any other month of the year. These animals are...
It's not only a privilege to be able to cast a vote for president in the U.S., but a responsibility...
Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays for many Georgians, but it is often one of the most dangerous...
New "smart windshields" may increase roadway safety - at least that's what Toyota is hoping for. These new technologies will...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.