Metro Atlanta commuters will have an opportunity to cut down on their daily commutes and time in their vehicles. After almost four years of construction, the Northwest Corridor Express Lanes opened earlier this month. The toll lanes stretch for 30 miles along I-75 and I-575 in both Cobb and Cherokee counties, which is likely not a surprise to those of us who travel this stretch of roadway frequently. The project has been the largest of its kind in state history.
The Northwest Corridor toll lanes are reversible, meaning they have the ability to carry traffic into the Atlanta area in the morning hours and out of the city in the afternoon. Hopefully this will cut down on commute times during rush hour. The lanes will be closed for a few hours during the day to allow the reversal of traffic, and might vary from those flows depending on certain events or traffic fluctuations.
These express lanes were built in an effort to control heavy traffic congestion that has been an issue for a long time. The construction will add capacity to the general-purpose lanes and should allow a steadier flow of traffic when it is most congested.
The lanes are available to drivers with a valid Peach Pass, and there are toll rates that will be dynamically priced, which means the rate is dependent on the demand for the use of lanes.
New roadways opening can be dangerous when drivers aren’t aware. Drivers commuting in the Northwest Corridor area should be mindful of the change of traffic and how it can affect the potential for accidents. Often times express lanes lead to drivers traveling at higher speeds due to less traffic and congestion. While traffic congestion can be frustrating, it also has the benefit of keeping drivers in check because they are forced to stay focused on the road with less distractions, and at a lower speed.
The new express lanes are a much-needed addition to the metro Atlanta area, and while there may be less traffic and more opportunities for navigation, it’s important to remain aware of your surroundings while behind the wheel. Always drive at the posted speed limit and be aware of other drivers on the roadways. It is also a good idea to research the new traffic patterns planned for these toll lanes.
Visit PeachPass.com for more information on the Northwest Corridor Express Lanes and what is needed to access them.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Distracted Driving, Georgia Laws, Personal Injury, Safety Tips