With 2018 officially in the books, it’s time to start a new year with motivation and a positive outlook. Many people make New Year’s resolutions, but a very small percentage of resolutions are kept – some studies claim as little as 8%.
This year, join the Jones & Swanson family in setting a few tasks that we commit to, in an effort to increase safety for yourself and your family. When it comes to a New Year’s resolution, personal injury may be the first thing to come to mind. But maybe if we focus on simple responsibilities to improve well-being, it may help motivate us. Below are a few resolutions that are easily attainable and important in keeping you and your family safe from liability in the coming year.
- Vehicle Maintenance
- When was the last time the brakes or tire tread on your vehicle were checked? The beginning of the year is a perfect opportunity to check all vehicles thoroughly for potential safety issues. This includes passenger vehicles, motorcycles, watercraft, and other types of transportation that you and your family plan to use in 2019. Take care of any issues that could cause an accident or malfunction right away, and help keep Georgia roadways a safer place for all.
- Home and Property Inspection
- This can be as simple as walking around your home and property to take notes on potential hazards, such as exposed electrical work or slip/fall hazards. This can make you aware of situations that you might have overlooked in the past, and can also help keep you accountable of necessary repairs. It is also an extremely important factor in preventing personal injury to yourself and others while on your property.
- Review Insurance Policies
- It can be easy to overlook and forget about a policy once it becomes active, but it’s important to stay up to date with all home, auto, liability insurance and business property policies. There’s always the possibility of inflation or value change in a home or business. Protect yourself by staying up to date on all policies.
- Keep Personal Injury in Mind
- Whether you rent or own, you can still be held liable if someone is injured on your property. Make a list of all potential issues and repairs, and communicate those to maintenance, a landlord, or whomever will be responsible for such repairs. Document your concerns, and maintain a follow-up if necessary. This is an excellent way to stay protected in the event of an injury.
By holding yourself accountable and staying current on these minor tasks, you can start out the year on positive ground. Keeping your home and vehicles safe can be a resolution that we all keep during 2019. Happy New Year!
Categories: Announcements