October 18th Marks The Start Of This Year’s National Teen Driver Safety Week
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is getting ready for this year’s National Teen Driver Safety Week, and Jones & Swanson is here to help clients participate. Between October 18 and 24, parents and adult role models are prompted to start, or continue, a dialogue with teen drivers about the importance of safe driving and how best practices can be implemented every time they get behind the wheel.
Why It’s Important
Vehicle crashes are among the leading cause of death for those between the ages of 15 and 18 in the United States. With these young drivers just starting to hit the road, it’s important to assist them in adopting and maintaining safe driving habits. Doing so not only helps your child remain safe but keeps others on the road safe as well.
The Numbers
The NHTSA compiled a list of sobering statistics about fatal crashes involving teenage drivers. By reviewing the numbers below, you can help your child realize the magnitude of danger these habits cause and help them make the decision to be safe whenever they are on the road. Out of all fatal car accidents involving teenagers in 2018:
- Almost 10% of teen drivers were distracted at the time of the crash
- 16% of teenagers involved had alcohol in their system
- 28% of teenage drivers involved were speeding at the time
- 45% of teen drivers who died in a crash were unbuckled
Though no numerical statistic exists, the NHTSA also identified that risk of a fatal accident increased alongside the number of passengers in a teenager’s vehicle.
What To Focus On
Telling young drivers to be safe is easy to say, and easier for them to forget. To have a meaningful dialogue, it’s important to outline specific practices they should employ. The NHTSA outlined suggested rules of the road for parents to review with their children based on common causes of fatal teen crashes:
- Do not drive under the influence
- Always wear your seatbelt as a driver or passenger
- Remain focused on the road and not on a phone
- Obey posted speed limits
- Limit the number of passengers
By taking the time to have these informative conversations with your children, you can make the road a safer place for them and your community. For further information about driving safely or assistance with any driving charges, contact Jones & Swanson.
Categories: Car Accident