Memorial Day is May 29th this year, when we recognize those who have served this country.
Coming with the Memorial Day holiday weekend is fun in the sun, good eats, time with friends and family – but also the impending doom of a highway median for those who decide to get behind the wheel after having one too many alcoholic beverages.
Memorial Day Is The Deadliest Day Of The Year To Drive In The United States.
Despite every other holiday we celebrate in the U.S., Memorial Day is the number one most dangerous holiday to drive on the road; with alcohol consumption as its main contributor. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that about 300-500 people may die on the roads during the Memorial Day holiday period. About 10% more than the normal annual average.
It’s crazy, we know!
That’s why your friends at Jones and Swanson compiled a list of safety tips so you don’t find yourself the next victim or cause of a drunk driving accident.
Some Tips To Stay Safe:
- A little is enough. Every ounce of liquor (or one standard beverage) takes your liver one hour to process. Do not drive unless you are fully sober.
- Designate a driver. If you plan on drinking, have a designated driver who is sober. If not, have a ride share ready to use after your party.
- Stay alert, stay alive. If you don’t feel awake and cannot focus, do not drive. Only operate a vehicle with complete clarity.
- Use a seatbelt. We’re in the midst of the NHTSA’s Click It or Ticket campaign and we can’t stress enough the importance of how a seatbelt will save you in the case of an accident.
- Avoid distractions. Georgia is a hands-free state, meaning you shouldn’t be texting and driving anyway. It’s against the law. Avoid other distractions while behind the wheel as well, such as operating the radio, eating a meal or otherwise interacting with something other than the steering wheel.
- Watch your friends and family. It’s important to keep our loved ones safe, so if you notice them drinking too much, stop them. Then make sure they have a safe way to get home.
- Pay attention to others. If you notice anyone on the roads driving erratically, contact 911. You may save someone’s life.
jones & Swanson Hopes That You Have A Fun Memorial Day Weekend. Remember To Stay Safe And Vigilant. In The Event You Or A Loved One Are Injured In An Accident, Seek Immediate Medical Assistance And Then Give Us A Call At (770) 427-5498 Or contact Us On Awjlaw.com To Find Out What Steps To Take.
Categories: Car Accident, Defensive Driving, Drunk Driving, Georgia Laws, Safety Tips