The months of May and June are historically a time for roadway safety campaigns sponsored by groups such as the National Highway Safety Administration. This year is no different. Passenger vehicle safety is addressed with the National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization, which lasts from May 23 through June 5. Motorcyclists can appreciate the specific campaigns targeting their safety, including the month of May being Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and June 20 deemed “National Ride to Work Day”.
The Seat Belt Enforcement campaign, known more commonly as Click It or Ticket, stresses an essential safety equipment offered in passenger vehicles. Years of research are used by the NHTSA to customize outreach efforts each year, including assisting law enforcement officials in their more stringent patrolling. Statistics show that seatbelt usage has increased in recent years, but is still a significant issue after dark. This year the campaign will focus on enforcing seat belt usage at night, with more patrols and police enforcement happening between the hours of 6 PM and 6 AM from May 23 until June 5. Seatbelts save lives every day, so these campaigns seek to improve usage numbers so that more lives can be saved.
The purpose of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month is to educate everyone operating a vehicle that motorcyclists have the same privileges and rights as passenger vehicle drivers do. Because of the smaller size of cycles, it is often times difficult to see these transportation methods while driving a car down a highway or interstate. Any time you make a turn, change lanes, or otherwise navigate your vehicle it is important to look twice. Checking that second time is said to save countless lives. The NHTSA is encouraging cyclists to ride their bikes to work on June 20, 2016 in acknowledgement of motorcycle safety.
At Jones & Swanson, our attorneys work on auto and motorcycle accident cases where victims were seriously injured every day. We see first-hand the types of devastating outcomes can occur in the event of a motor vehicle crash, regardless of whether a motorcycle is involved or just a passenger vehicle. The more we educate ourselves on roadways safety, the safer Georgia travel will become. If you or someone you know have experienced a personal injury in a motor vehicle crash, contact us today for a free consultation.
Categories: Announcements, Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accident, Safety Tips, Seatbelt Safety