According to statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 800,000 Americans are bitten by dogs each year. As recently as January 2012, the Marietta Daily Journal reported a local Marietta dog attack. A man was arrested on charges of misdemeanor reckless conduct when his pit bull attacked a woman for approximately 10 minutes as he watched and laughed. The attack happened at a residence on Franklin Road. Authorities believe the man and victim were dating, and after an argument she began to leave but was attacked by his pit bull. She was bitten many times and eventually drove herself to the hospital after finally getting away from the dog.
There are numerous studies ranking the canine breeds most responsible for Atlanta serious injuries and deaths, but any dog is capable of attacking and inflicting major injuries. Georgia dog bite laws currently require victims and their attorneys to prove an animal was dangerous or vicious, that the owner knew this and was careless in the management of the dog, or it was allowed to run free. The victims’ attorneys have to prove that the animal was unleashed under the relevant local authority ordinance. Proving liability for Georgia dog bites can be complicated under the state’s current laws.
Georgia’s Dog Bite Laws May Be Strengthened
A rise in the number of dog bites in Georgia has led to our General Assembly moving forward with its efforts to pass a stronger dog bite law. It would hold owners of unsafe and vicious dogs more accountable for their pets’ bad behavior. Although it is not certain if exact breeds will be classified as dangerous and vicious, the improved law will fix a number of things.
If passed, Georgia citizens will be required to purchase liability insurance providing coverage of a minimum of $50,000 before they can own a dangerous or vicious dog. This is helpful to Atlanta dog bite victims because at present many dog owners do not have insurance. With this required insurance coverage, dog bite attorneys could more easily win significant monetary damages for their clients’ medical bills, emotional and physical pain and suffering.
Also, the potential Georgia law requires vicious and unsafe dogs to have a microchip inserted into the animal to keep track of its whereabouts. Current Marietta dog bite cases require injury lawyers to prove that the dog was the biting dog, and this new traceability will make it easier to determine if the dog was loose at the time of the bite. Vicious dogs will also be required to be locked away from the public, and if not on a leash must be muzzled at all times.
Finally, penalties for vicious dog owners will be much greater under the improved law. Even if the dog doesn’t attack anyone, owners could be fined up to $1000 and face jail time if they do not adhere to these new regulations. As an Atlanta dog bite injury firm, Jones & Swanson is hopeful that this bill will offer greater protection for the public as well as to make it easier for dog bite victims to recover for their injuries.
Need An Attorney For A Dog Bite Case In Marietta?
The damages and costs associated with a Marietta dog attack can be extensive. Under Georgia dog bite laws the owner of any dog that attacks a victim can be held liable to pay medical expenses, the cost of wages lost, and damages for pain and suffering resulting from the attack. If you are attacked by a dog, contact our experienced Marietta personal injury attorneys immediately so we can help you recover the most for your injury. Jones & Swanson has experience representing serious dog bite cases in which clients have suffered terrible injuries when bitten by a dangerous dog. If you or someone you know have been injured by a dog, contact our Marietta dog bite lawyers today at (770) 427-5498 for a free consultation and affordable representation.
Categories: Dog Bites, Georgia Laws, Personal Injury