With Christmas only a few weeks away, time to shop for your loved ones is running out. Unfortunately, not all Georgians are financially able to buy gifts for those they love. One of the many reasons we’re proud to be a part of the Marietta and Cobb County community is that there are countless ways to give back to the community.
This year, Jones & Swanson is yet again sponsoring the Cops & Kids Shopping event, which is hosted by the Cobb County Fraternal Order of Police Kermit Sanders Lodge #13. This is the 29th annual Christmas shopping event and is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14. Each year the program pairs more than 100 children with police officers to take them on shopping sprees at Target. The children are selected by local teachers and allowed to select items for themselves and their families. The gifts are then wrapped and delivered to their homes. Many times the children forego toys for clothing items, which is a true testament to the value of this program.
We urge all who are able to give back to their community in some way – especially as the holidays draw nearer. The Cops & Kids Shopping event is just one way to be active in your community. Here are a few others in the metro-Atlanta area:
- Angel Tree – adopt a child and/or family for Christmas by selecting from an Angel Tree at a local mall. By selecting a low-income child from the tree, you commit to purchasing gifts for that child so that their Christmas is an enjoyable one. Locations include Town Center at Cobb, Cumberland, Northlake, Lenox, and Sugarloaf.
- MUST Ministries Toy Shops – assist parents to shop for clothing, blankets, school supplies, games, and other items for their children to enjoy at Christmas. Volunteers are needed for stocking supplies as well.
- Calvary Children’s Home – the organization needs volunteers to assist in providing the children a good Christmas. Lists of what the kids want are available and the program accepts donations specifically for Christmas giving.
- SafePath Adopt-A-Family Program – families assisted by SafePath each year are provided holiday wishes and needs. By adopting a family, you’re able to ensure that family enjoys the holiday season.
Categories: Announcements, Community Outreach