Jones & Swanson has the pleasure of meeting many different locals from a variety of backgrounds and who work in many facets within our Cobb County community. Alison Umbarger is one of those individuals. She is a creative that works in merchandising and also photography. In fact, Alison has taken many of the photos we proudly display on our website.
We sat down with Alison to find out how she turned her photography hobby into a flourishing business.
q: Tell Us About Yourself.
My name is Alison Umbarger and I’m a part-time photographer who also works for a rep agency. Over the last couple of years, I’ve put a lot of focus into my photography. I’m married and have two daughters who also like to help me with shoots sometimes. They have grown up with me taking photos for not only others but for our family, so they are very comfortable in front of and behind the camera.
q: How Did You Get Started Doing Photography?
When I got married in 2011, we went to Europe on our honeymoon and I wanted a good DSLR camera to capture the trip. Even before that, I was always carrying around a camera of some kind. After my trip, I took photos for a few families and it blossomed from there. It was always just a hobby, but after a lot of people started asking me for sessions and it started taking me away from my everyday life, I thought about turning it into a business. So, here we are 10 years later.
q: Do You Have Any Hobbies Beyond Photography?
I play tennis and I’ve recently been coaching my daughters’ basketball and softball teams. Being involved in sports in the community has always been an important part of my life, so I have been trying to pass that along to my girls as well.
q: Do You Feel A Sense Of Support From The Community?
The reason I have a photography business is because of word of mouth. It began with my friends asking for photos and then they told their friends. It has become a little community and I now have numerous repeat clients. Many of them call me each year for holiday pictures, so it also gives me a reason to keep in touch with people that I don’t get to speak with often. This is how I got in touch with Jones & Swanson. I have actually taken newborn photos for the Swanson family and Chase was gracious enough to get me involved with the firm.
q: Do You Have Any Upcoming Photoshoots Or Events On The Horizon?
The fall is the busiest time of year for me. Everyone starts calling for their annual family photos for holiday cards. I also recently joined the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, and they always have events that I try to attend when possible. It’s important for me to meet and interact with other small business owners in the community.
If you’re interested in seeing Alison’s work or booking your next photography session, visit alisonumbargerphotography.com for more info.
Categories: Community Outreach, Outreach