The National Safety Council (NSC) has established June as National Safety Month. This yearly observation aims to reduce injuries at on the road, in our homes, at work and throughout our communities. This year, the theme of June’s National Safety Month is “What I Live For”, concentrating on those items and beliefs that each individual is passionate about. By focusing on passions and experiences that we’d like to fulfill in our lives, the NSC hopes to promote extra caution and safety from each individual.
Unforeseen injuries are the leading cause of death in U.S. citizens ages 1-44. Fortunately, there are a number of things we can do differently on a daily basis to prevent injury-causing accidents. At Jones & Swanson, we see victims of transportation and fall injuries frequently. We hope that by educating the public on ways to further prevent auto accidents and slips/trip and fall accidents, the overall number of injuries will decline.
Every day, approximately 100 lives are lost in preventable car accidents. The most common causes of these preventable crashes are speeding, alcohol use, distraction, and tiredness. Research shows that the chances of being involved in a motor vehicle accident are higher than nearly any other life-threatening event. The good news is that each driver can play a role in preventing car accidents. By planning ahead and diligently abiding by the rules of the road, you can make Georgia roadways safer. You should never operate a vehicle after drinking or while feeling drowsy, and always travel below the speed limit in an effort to make interstates and highways safer for everyone. While these responsible actions may not guarantee your exclusion from a serious car accident, it does lessen your chances.
Another area of safety education being promoted during National Safety Month 2015 is slip or trip and fall prevention. Both at home and in public places, such as the workplace, you should be aware of tripping hazards. Always be on the lookout for loose cables and cords, slippery surfaces, level changes, and damaged pathways. These are some of the most common causes of slips or trips, both in the workplace and in other locations.
At Jones & Swanson, we believe everyone has the responsibility of spreading the word in an effort to reduce injuries of all kinds. We hope that you will join us in celebrating National Safety Month by educating yourself and others about ways to prevent injuries at home, on the road, and at work. For more safety information, visit www.nsc.org.
Categories: Safety Tips