Recently, the staff of Jones & Swanson donated their time to volunteering at The Women’s Extension in Marietta, Georgia. This year, the extension is celebrating their 30th anniversary recovering lives and restoring families. The women within the facility undergo a rigorous assessment to assure that they are committed to changing their lives. The challenges are tough, but the help they need and deserve can be found right here in the Marietta community by way of The Extension.
The Extension is a licensed recovery program severing homeless men and women of Cobb County who suffer from alcohol and other addictions. This establishment provides substance abuse counseling as well as job and education opportunities for each of their residents. Teaching these women life skills and training them to be the best they can be is the goal of the recovery program. For almost 30 years, the facility has served the Cobb County community and have built strong relationships with local businesses and organizations.
Earlier this month, the Attorneys and staff were honored to provide a dinner to the women currently staying in the extension facility. The staff enjoyed great fellowship and visiting with the women there. The firm was able to donated several bags of new and gently used clothing as well as toiletries, office supplies and other needed items to the facility.
At Jones & Swanson, we believe it is important to give back to our community. We are extremely proud to have such a wonderful recovery center right here in the Marietta area. If you have any questions about how you can volunteer, please contact our office at 770-427-5498.
Categories: Community Outreach, Firm News