We are very passionate at Jones & Swanson about supporting and giving back to our local community here in Marietta. This holiday season we are supporting the women at the Mother’s Making A Change Program, (MMAC).
MMAC is part of the highly successful Cobb Recovery Health Network. This residential treatment facility specializes in supporting women with children or women who are pregnant from substance use disorders. This facility is unique, in that it offers an opportunity for mothers to bring their children with them during their treatment. Mother’s Making A Change focuses their efforts on life skills, parenting classes, addiction and trauma recovery, and self-empowerment. The women in this program undergo an intense therapy program for 6 months to reshape their lives for the betterment of themselves and their families.
Jones & Swanson has been gathering items for the women in Mother’s Making A Change, as well as the children of the Mothers, for a Christmas delivery. We have stocked bags for the women to make them feel special, empowered and cared for this Christmas with items including; fuzzy socks, bath bombs, lotions, face masks, journals and other items for them to pamper themselves over the holidays. We want to make sure these women feel supported and thought of this Christmas season. The children will be getting stockings stuffed with age specific gifts as well to enjoy.
Jones & Swanson is proud to support this organization, as well as the women in this program on their journey for healthy, stable and substance free families. If you would like more information about this organization, please click the link below.
Categories: Announcements, Community Outreach, Firm News