For many Georgians, going to work every day doesn’t involve traveling to an office. Many make their living along Georgia roads and highways by working in construction.
Roadway work zones are fairly common in the Marietta area due to its proximity to Atlanta and the high amount of traffic in the area. Road improvements and additions are common. The most prevalent example of road construction in the Cobb County area is the highway system being constructed for the new Braves stadium. There are construction workers present at these types of roadway sites every day in Georgia, so it is important to educate yourself on highway work zone safety tips.
In 2007, road construction work zone deaths numbered 835. By adhering to the rules of the road and keeping the following driving safety tips in mind, you may save a life.
- Stay alert and pay attention at all times while behind the wheel. Distractions can cause you to miss signs meant to alert you of upcoming construction zones, as well as stopped vehicles.
- Adhere to posted speed limit signs within work zones, as well as before reaching them. Upcoming construction zones approach quickly and it’s better to slow sooner than required than when it’s too late.
- Resume normal highway speeds only after you see roadway signs alerting you to the end of a work zone.
- Maintain at least three car-lengths between yourself and other automobiles. This is equivalent to counting two seconds from the time the vehicle in front of you passes an object until you pass that same object.
- When construction equipment, workers, barriers, and vehicles are present it is important to maintain a safe distance from them.
- Remain calm and avoid rushing while in construction zones. You should expect delays and know that in the end, the construction zones are meant to help highways operate more smoothly for all users.
Speed, Space, and Stress are the three “S’s” of work zone safety. You can appropriately handle these hazardous factors by using the tips above.
At Jones & Swanson, we meet victims of Georgia auto accidents and their families quite often. While we are happy to be able to offer assistance in a time of need, we hope you never find yourself in that position. For more information on construction zone safety, contact the experienced injury lawyers at Jones & Swanson today by calling 770-427-5498.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Health & Wellness, Safety Tips