The attorneys and staff members at Jones & Swanson would like to wish all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day! The love and dedication that a mother gives cannot be fully appreciated in one day, but we’re happy a day exists with the sole purpose of celebrating moms nonetheless. Despite differences in personalities and beliefs between people throughout the world, one thing that we all have in common is the existence of a mother who gave birth to us. Today, we celebrate those women – including many mothers within the Jones & Swanson family.
Whether you are lucky enough to be able to celebrate with your mother this year or not, we urge you to take a moment today to appreciate the moms that work tirelessly and selfishly every day. A mother can take many forms – a working executive, home maker, head of household, and so much more. Regardless of a mother’s occupation, we are grateful to those that help maintain the love, structure, and bond of a family. We thank all moms for guiding our children so they may have a bright future filled with endless possibilities. Enjoy today and know how important you are to our community.
Many Georgians will travel to spend time with their mothers this weekend. For those that are traveling this weekend, we encourage safety on the roads and to be mindful of the many people that are traveling across the area. As with any holiday or busy time of year, it is important to use extra precaution on Georgia roadways.
Categories: Announcements