Halloween is only hours away, so many households are gearing up for various festivities. Halloween is one of the most favored holidays by children, ranking alongside Christmas because of the costumes and candy.
Unfortunately, Halloween is also ranked as one of the deadliest nights for pedestrian accidents each year. Emergency room visit numbers soar on October 31 again and again. The attorneys and staff members of Jones & Swanson wish you a safe and happy Halloween night, so we’ve provided a few tips to keep in mind as you celebrate:
- Trick-or-treaters and other pedestrians, including adults, should always carry a flashlight and wear reflective clothing – even when it’s not dark outside. Drivers will likely be more alert for pedestrians on Halloween, but it doesn’t hurt to give them a bit of help seeing you. Children can become overexcited at times while trick-or-treating, so if they accidentally roam too near a roadway these reflective clothing items may protect them from being involved in an accident.
- Costume masks should only be worn when approaching doors to trick-or-treat. They can be dangerous if worn while walking, as they limit vision and therefore increase the dangers of being struck by a vehicle.
- If your child’s costume is too long to walk in safely, trim the bottom. Children should be able to move freely without the risk of tripping over the hems of their outfits.
- If makeup is a part of your costume, make sure to test it on a smaller part of skin away from your face to ensure it doesn’t react negatively.
- Children should always be accompanied by an adult when trick-or-treating – no exceptions!
- If you’re staying home to hand out candy, it’s a good idea to prepare your home accordingly. Ensure all walkways are well-lit and free of debris so that trick-or-treaters do not trip and fall on their way in or out. If you’re using candles to light the path, make sure they are far enough from the walkway that costumes and clothing aren’t at risk of catching fire. If you have pets, make sure they are kept indoors on Halloween. Even the best animal could scare children.
- If you are attending a party or some other type of event, do not drink and drive. Designate a driver before leaving your home and it will make everyone’s night better.
Jones & Swanson wishes Cobb County and surrounding areas a safe and happy Halloween!
Categories: Announcements, Pedestrian Accident, Safety Tips