Recently, the attorneys at Jones & Swanson were able to help a gentleman who was injured as a pedestrian. In December of 2013, our client was returning to his car at a local grocery store in Roswell when he was struck by a driver who simply wasn’t paying attention. Unfortunately, as a result, our client suffered some substantial injuries which required extensive medical treatment.
Before the incident, our client was a very active individual. Unfortunately, the injuries he sustained in this incident severely limited his ability to engage in daily life as he once did. Ultimately, we were able to assist him by holding the driver responsible such that his future needs will be cared for and his medical expenses paid.
Traffic-related pedestrian injuries have become a significant public safety threat in recent years. Because metro-Atlanta is such a heavily trafficked area for motor vehicles, the chances of being involved in a pedestrian accident are higher than in more rural areas. In 2013 alone, 4,735 pedestrians lost their lives in crashes involving automobiles in the U.S. That is equivalent to one pedestrian death every two hours. In addition to those fatalities, approximately 150,000 people were treated in emergency rooms across the nation for non-fatal injuries as a result of a pedestrian-auto crash. Because of the lack of protection provided to pedestrians as compared to motor vehicle occupants, those on foot have a 1.5 higher chance of being killed in a crash than automobile occupants.
At Jones & Swanson, we are grateful for the opportunity to help victims injured as a result of another person’s negligence. It is always our goal to allow our clients to concentrate on their recovery, we work toward recovering fair and just compensation for their injuries. Pedestrian accidents are just one type of injury-related area that we practice in. For more information about our practice areas, visit www.awjlaw.com.
Categories: Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury