It is said that one person is killed, on average, almost every 39 minutes in a drunk-driving crash, totaling 13,000 lives lost each year (NHTSA). This holiday season should be spent wondering what presents to get your loved ones, not if you will ever see life outside of bars–or life, ever again. The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign is enforced with local law departments from December 13th to January 1st, to combat accidents caused by drunk driving.
Impaired driving has been the cause of many fatal accidents during the December months. In the 2018-2022 Christmas season, there were 4,759 people killed in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes, 1,062 of those people were from 2022 alone. (NHTSA) This drives home the need to understand how detrimental sober and defensive driving can be in protecting your life, and the lives around you.
Whether it is a motorcycle accident, a trucking accident, or a standard motor vehicle accident, we’ve seen many clients at our firm be victims of risky drivers who make bad decisions while behind the wheel. These decisions have altered the course of their lives permanently, and not for the better. Here at Jones & Swanson, we are huge advocates for the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike. Make no mistake that there are many options to protect yourself and prevent yourself from making life-changing decisions.
Make a Plan if you’re driving, riding, or hosting
Plan ahead to ensure that you and those around you have a sober ride home.
- Know your limits, and never drive unless you are completely sober.
- Stay vigilant and aware. If you see someone driving erratically, call 911.
- Watch your friends and family. If they do not appear sober, take their keys away from them and arrange a ride home.
Be Proactive
Taking small steps ahead of time can result in a completely different outcome of your night.
- Always wear your seatbelt. This is your greatest protection against drunk drivers, and it is the law.
- Pace yourself. Every ounce of liquor(or one standard drink) takes the liver exactly one hour to process. However everyone is different, and in many cases, if mixed with medications or other drugs, it may take longer to metabolize.
- Avoid distractions. Georgia is a hands-free state, meaning you shouldn’t be texting and driving as it is against the law. Other distractions such as operating a radio, eating a meal, or otherwise anything besides operating a steering wheel can pose a risk. These things may cause issues if you need a quick reaction to other driver’s erratic driving.
Stay Informed
Jones & Swanson emphasize that everyone stays informed about the risks, laws, and alternative options there are related to driving while under the influence.
- Learn about the effects of alcohol on your body and judgment.
- Stay informed about local DUI/DWI laws and understand their consequences. First offenses in Georgia can result in possible jail time of up to one year, a fine of up to $1,000, license suspension of up to one year, 40+ hours of mandatory community service, and a $210 license reinstatement fee.
- Know all your options for safe transportation. Utilize ride-sharing apps (Lyft, Uber, etc.) and designated driver programs such as SafeRide America, which drive you and your car home safely.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I too drunk to drive?
Chances are if you are googling this question, you are probably not sober enough to drive. Clear indicators may be slurred speech, trouble keeping balance, problems with recall, or poor reaction time. It is always safer to not take the risk, and find a ride home.
Can I have Open Containers in my vehicle?
The law states that any “open alcoholic beverage container,” meaning it is physically open, has a broken seal, or the contents are partially removed, may not be within possession of the passenger area of a motor vehicle on the roadway, or shoulder of any public highway. To simplify, open alcoholic beverages must be kept away in the trunk, a locked glove compartment, or any area behind the rear seat that is not normally occupied.
How does drinking impair driving?
Alcohol can cause your reaction time to slow, and negatively impact your judgment, coordination, self-control, and reasoning. All of these abilities are required to safely operate a vehicle.
Jones & Swanson Is A Personal Injury Firm Located In Georgia. If You Or Someone You Know Has Been Hurt As A Result of An Accident Caused By Drinking And Driving, Seek Immediate Medical Assistance, Then Give Our Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys A Call At (770) 427-5498 Or contact Us On Awjlaw.com For A Free Consultation To Find Out The Next Steps You May Want To Take.
Categories: Car Accident, Christmas, Defensive Driving, Drunk Driving, Safety Tips