As metro-Atlanta auto accident attorneys, we see many crashes that are caused as a result of an intoxicated driver. In the U.S. alone, one out of three traffic deaths are related to alcohol. Unfortunately, it is oftentimes innocent people that are injured in these crashes, simply because one person made the choice to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
This year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is partnering with law enforcement agencies and other officials across the United States to lower the number of injuries and deaths caused during the upcoming season. This “Drive Sober of Get Pulled Over” crackdown will last from August 15 until September 1, the Labor Day holiday weekend. This specific area of time is the target of the campaign simply because the summer and holiday weekends tend to create an increased number of drunk drivers on state highways and roadways. In 2012 alone, Labor Day weekend attributed 147 deaths from drunk driving cashes alone. This year, we hope that by educating Georgians of the increased number of law enforcement officials looking for intoxicated drivers, we can lower the number of deaths that occur in this time period from drunken driving crashes.
Driving while intoxicated may have been a fad in the past, but it is not something that we should be partaking in with the technologies and capabilities offered to us today. We will all likely attend holiday events and enjoy the summer weather throughout the remainder of the season, which may entail a few drinks. Instead of risking your life or the lives of others, we urge you to plan ahead by designating a driver that will not drink. If no one wants to be that driver, car or taxi services will be happy to transport your group safely to or from an event. It is our firm belief that if you are not mature enough to avoid intoxicated driving, then you probably should not be consuming alcohol in the first place. There simply is no excuse for drunk driving, and the state of Georgia will be cracking down on those who do during this summer holiday season.
If you or someone you know are injured in a crash in which the other driver was arrested for DUI, you may have a legal claim to expenses incurred as a result of the incident. The at-fault driver should have to answer for their mistakes, and you should not have to suffer financially, medically, or emotionally because someone else made the decision to drive while drunk. For more information on your legal rights, visit www.awjlaw.com or call (770) 427-5498.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Drunk Driving, Georgia Laws, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death