With the holiday season upon us, most Americans are busy preparing for Christmas and New Year’s festivities. The Law Offices of Andrew W. Jones is partnering with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to educate Georgians on the dangers of drunk driving during the holiday season. We want to remind you that even if you’ve only had a few drinks, it is still dangerous to drive after drinking. Most people who drive drunk believed that they were ok to drive when they got behind the wheel. Unfortunately, this over-confidence oftentimes leads to DUI citations and even more troubling, automobile accidents.
The holiday season brings an higher number of social events compared to the rest of the year. These parties and get-togethers typically involve alcohol, which is perfectly fine so long that participating adults make the correct decision and do not drink and drive. After all, “Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving”. From December 12 until December 31, 2012, 1,829 people lost their lives in automobile accidents. 31 percent of those fatalities occurred in drunk driving accidents. 830 people died in December of 2012 after being involved in a wreck where a drunk driver was present. Many organizations asserting that drunk driving has become an epidemic in the United States. With the NHTSA reporting 10,322 fatalities in 2012 from crashes involving a driver with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 gram or higher, it is hard to argue with that assertion.
We understand that it is not always a pre-planned occurrence when Georgians drink and drive. Typically, drunk drivers end up on Georgia highways because they wait until they have been drinking to figure out how they are getting home. At that point, it is difficult to make a responsible decision. The best method to prevent drunk driving is to plan ahead. Parties are planned in advance, so you are aware of them in enough time to designate a driver or call a car service.
Driving under the influence often leads to jail time, loss of driver’s license, high insurance rates, and approximately $10,000 in expenses. These potentially life-altering consequences aren’t even the most devastating. Many times a person’s life will never be the same after causing an auto accident in which another person is seriously injured or even killed. Knowing that you were at fault for another’s immense pain and suffering is not an easy thing to live with. So, the next time you think to yourself, “I’ve only had a couple, so I should be fine to drive the short trip home,” think about the potential repercussions that you face should you get a DUI or cause a crash. It could make all the difference in the world.
At Jones & Swanson, we have represented numerous injured clients in their injury claims after they were involved in a crash where another driver was drunk behind the wheel. We have also represented families in wrongful death claims after they lost loved ones such crashes. It is devastating to see the first-hand effects that drunk driving can have on families, but we are happy to be able to assist those suffering families in their times of need. For more information, call (770) 427-5498.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Drunk Driving