April is the NHTSA’s Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Distracted driving has taken a toll on the nation. This issue has progressed further as more and more technological advancements arise and the drive for social interaction becomes a necessity.
After drunk driving, distracted driving is one of the main causes of auto death and injuries on US. roads. In 2022, distracted driving was the cause of 3,308 deaths alone(NHTSA). As we near summer, it is important to refresh and remind ourselves, that there is an importance of why we need to be responsible and follow important safety measures.
Is Distracted Driving Is Against The Law?
First and foremost, the Hands-Free Law has been active in Georgia since 2018. This means that you may not have a phone in hand, touch any part of your body, or watch videos via a cellular device while operating a vehicle. While there is an exception to the rule as you may report emergencies, all else must be hands-free and Bluetooth.
What Can I Do To Stop Distracted Driving?
While there are easy ways to just say “wait to answer that text” or “put your phone down” many drivers may find it increasingly difficult to stay away from replies. Here are just a few alternatives that may be able to help you.
Do Not Disturb
Every smartphone these days has a ‘Do Not Disturb’ option. This will help limit the anxiousness and need to reply the instant you see a text pop up on your screen. As well, this feature includes automatic replies. This can help let your friends and family know that you are driving and will be able to respond soon!
Designate A Friend
If you are carpooling, have a friend be your designated texter. This way you can respond in a timely manner, while still doing so safely and not distracted.
Pull Over And Park
If you have no other choice, pull over your car and park in a designated parking spot to answer your texts. Stopping at a red light to answer texts is not the same; the car must be fully parked.
Utilize Bluetooth
With all the new advancements in technology, there isn’t an excuse to not use things like Bluetooth and Talk-to-Text. Lots of newer vehicles include systems with CarPlay and Android Auto. These programs are designed to help you focus on the road while still including your device safely in your drive.
Everyone at Jones & Swanson hopes you use these safety tips in an effort to #JustDrive and focus on keeping you and your fellow peers safe on the road!
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Categories: Auto Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Bus Accidents, Car Accident, Defensive Driving, Distracted Driving, Drowsy Driving, FAQ, Personal Injury, Safety Tips