Although the school year is just coming to an end and Christmas is seven months away, the North Metro Fraternal Order of Police is already prepping for two of their largest annual community initiatives.
First, the Back to School program will take place to assist children who are handicapped or less fortunate. Many times the families of these young students are unable to provide clothing, school supplies, back packs, and other necessities needed when starting back to school. This program serves as a way to provide those items to children who need them.
Second, the Order’s Christmas program will provide warm jackets for winter, as well as toys for the Christmas holiday. When families are unable to provide these items for their children, the Cops and Kids Program steps in to provide by using donations from members of the North Metro Atlanta area.
The North Metro Fraternal Order of Police also supports food baskets at Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. These community service projects are performed by the “Cops for Kids” area of the organization – formerly known as Shop With A Cop.
Jones & Swanson is proud to support the annual “Cops for Kids” program again this year with a donation to assist in giving back to the community. We urge other members of the Cobb County community who are able to give to the program as well. There is no minimum amount and all donations are used exclusively as financial assistance for children in need.
The Lodges typically include retired and active law enforcement officials living in or around North Metro Atlanta. Giving back to the community is one of the strongest beliefs of this organization. For more information on how to give, visit www.foplodge13.org.
Categories: Announcements, Community Outreach