Many of us have been guilty of disregarding the rules and laws of the road. Whether it be speeding, running a red light, rolling through a stop sign, or even driving while distracted – these actions have become acceptable to many Georgians. While disregarding driving laws may not always lead to serious consequences, there are many instances in which lives could have been saved if the rules of the road were followed.
Such a crash occurred in Cobb County on March 28, 2016. A 51-year-old woman was traveling with her 74-year-old mother and 14-year-old son were at the traffic light intersection of Lee Industrial Boulevard and Mableton Parkway when another vehicle struck the driver’s side of their van. The driver of the at-fault vehicle was found to have ran the red light, as well as speeding on the wrong side of the road just moments prior to the crash. Cocaine was also discovered in her possession at the time of the wreck.
The at-fault driver sustained injuries in the four-vehicle crash, but the family in the van experienced the most loss. The boy was treated for broken bones in his hand, while his grandmother experienced critical injuries. Sadly, his mother’s injuries were so severe that she lost her life at the scene of the crash.
The at-fault party in this crash has turned herself in to authorities on charges of reckless driving, cocaine possession, serious injury by vehicle, and vehicular homicide. She is 20-years-old.
This automobile wreck, along with countless others that occur in Georgia each year, are proof of the importance of adhering to Georgia driving laws. There is no situation in which arriving at your destination or speeding is worth injuring another person, even if it’s an accident. Automobiles, whether passenger vehicles or commercial trucks, can be extremely dangerous. In a court of law, they can be considered deadly weapons.
We feel that it is important to educate Georgia drivers on the serious consequences that can come from seemingly insignificant decisions. The laws of the road are in place for a reason: to keep everyone safe from harm. It is each of our responsibilities to adhere to those rules and hold others accountable of doing the same, if only for our own safety.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a crash in which another party was found to be at-fault, you don’t have to fight the battle alone. Call Jones & Swanson today at 770-427-5498 to discuss next steps and methods of being compensated for medical bills, lost wages, and more.
Categories: Announcements, Auto Accidents, Car Accident, Community Outreach