Back to school time means lots of shopping and preparing after the summer break. But don't forget, immunizations should be...
Emergency vehicles and first response vehicles are oftentimes the first to the scene of an accident because they drive quickly...
The Fourth of July is a fun and exciting holiday, but can pose dangers from fireworks and intoxicated driving. Read...
It's Motorcycle Awareness Month, so we're teaming up with others in the metro-Atlanta community to bring attention to tips to...
National Teen Driver Safety Week 2017 is coming up beginning October 15. Here are some safety tips Jones & Swanson...
Here are some safety tips to keep in mind while navigating inclement weather. The recent hurricanes caused stormy weather and...
As football season begins, it is important to educate young players on the symptoms and dangers of concussions. Visit the...
The upcoming eclipse has been an exciting topic of conversation for weeks. What you may not consider, though, is how...
Cobb County has experienced a lot of foggy mornings lately, making commutes more difficult. Here are tips to navigating this...
The attorneys at Jones & Swanson have assisted countless victims of dangerous 18-wheeler crashes. Here are a few tips to...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.