Halloween is one of the most exciting holidays for many Georgians, but it is often one of the most dangerous...
There are many areas of Atlanta that are perfect for walking - but pedestrians should always be aware of their...
Recently, the attorneys at Jones & Swanson were able to help a gentleman who was injured as a pedestrian.
In some cases, a sudden, unexpected medical condition can cause a serious car accident - and the at-fault driver may...
At Jones & Swanson, our attorneys and staff members get to know each client personally. We treat every client with...
Unintentional pedestrian injuries are the fifth leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Pedestrian safety is not something...
Check out our new additions to our Video Center, including topics such as automobile insurance coverage, dog attack injury claims,...
Have you been injured in a bicycle accident? Read our blog to learn how you can determine liability for your...
The number of pedestrians being struck by motor vehicles on a daily basis is increasing, so we've provided a list...
Many Americans hesitate to involve an attorney in their troubles, regardless of how difficult a time they may be having....
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.