Bike Cobb is holding the Marietta Ride of Silence on Wednesday, May 21 in remembrance of those who have been...
This month is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, so Jones & Swanson has provided information about the dangers of distracted...
A recent drunken driving crash left our client with back, neck, shoulder, and head injuries. Fortunately, Jones & Swanson was...
Although many people may be concerned about the safety of elderly drivers, a recent study revealed that the number of...
Driving under the influence of alcohol is the surest method to causing significant injury to others on Georgia roadways.
An update on the recent potential distracted driving ordinance in Villa Rica.
Distracted driving can come in many forms, not just text messaging or daydreaming. Due to the dangers associated with these...
One of the most common causes of automobile wrecks is driving distracted. For this reason, we have included safety tips...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.