Jones & Swanson moved offices to 635 Whitlock Ave, SW Marietta, GA five years ago today. Join us in looking...
The nation is watching as Georgia slowly starts to re-open businesses. Visit our blog for the full story.
Jones & Swanson focuses on the community amid the Coronavirus pandemic. Head on over to our blog to learn more!
How can Georgians stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic? Read our latest blog for important safety tips!
In light of the Coronavirus, should you travel in the U.S.? Learn more in our blog!
The COVID-19 health crisis has been startling to us all, but during times like this it's important to stick together....
We are very passionate at Jones & Swanson about supporting and giving back to our local community here in Marietta....
Were you injured at the hands of another’s negligence or misconduct? Our Marietta injury lawyers of Jones & Swanson want...
There are a variety of events going on in the metro Cobb County and Atlanta areas for New Year's Eve....
Giving back to your local community is important - here are some options this holiday season. The Cops and Kids...
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.