There are many causes for auto collisions, especially in the Marietta area. Here are a few ways to prevent auto...
If you've been injured in a speeding accident, having an experienced personal injury attorney on your side is important. Here's...
During the busiest weekends of the year, how can you avoid car accidents or other motor vehicle crashes? Here are...
Car accident safety becomes increasingly important during warmer months because of summer road trips. Check out our safety tips to...
It can be easy to forget about self care after being involved in an accident, especially when faced with insurance...
As 2020 comes to an end and the new year begins, it’s important to remember to be safe during your...
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s annual National Teen Driver Safety Week starts on October 18, 2020. Take the time...
Unused, broken, or too-bright headlights can be extremely dangerous, not just for the driver, but for everyone else on the...
Amidst the chaos of a global crisis, our attorneys won a multi-million-dollar verdict on behalf of our client. Call us...
Booster seat crash test videos raise major safety concerns for parents. Read our latest blog to learn more.
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.