A list of alternatives to drunken driving during the holiday season.
Even if you are a rear-seat passenger in a vehicle, it is important to wear a safety belt.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is the surest method to causing significant injury to others on Georgia roadways.
The Law Offices of Andrew W. Jones has compiled a list of safety tips to remember this Halloween.
The legal speed limit on Interstate 285 is now changeable, so make sure you are paying attention while traveling on...
Possible link between car crashes and the use of common drugs.
Motorcycle crashes are often the most devastating types of auto accidents because of the lack of protection for riders.
Distracted driving can come in many forms, not just text messaging or daydreaming. Due to the dangers associated with these...
Information on what insurance companies investigate when attempting to determine fault in Georgia auto accidents.
FAQs for what to do if you are involved in an auto accident from an experienced injury lawyer in Georgia.
Over the years, we’ve helped people just like you who’ve been injured in a variety of types of accidents. Chances are, we’ve helped someone just like you before.