Information on recent Toyota and Lexus recalls that may affect many Georgians.
Unfortunately, there were multiple accidents over the New Year's holiday in Georgia.
A list of alternatives to drunken driving during the holiday season.
A recent local school bus wreck causes Georgians to consider the dangers associated with these vehicles that transport our children.
Even if you are a rear-seat passenger in a vehicle, it is important to wear a safety belt.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is the surest method to causing significant injury to others on Georgia roadways.
The Law Offices of Andrew W. Jones has compiled a list of safety tips to remember this Halloween.
The legal speed limit on Interstate 285 is now changeable, so make sure you are paying attention while traveling on...
Possible link between car crashes and the use of common drugs.
An update on the recent potential distracted driving ordinance in Villa Rica.
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