In recent years, outdoor activities have become very popular in the Atlanta area. For this reason, it is common to see bicyclists alongside roadways in the metro area. Unfortunately, even when cyclists are wearing safety equipment, traveling in their lane, and all around following the rules of the road – they are still at risk of being struck by motor vehicles.
Earlier this month a well-respected doctor from Hampton, Georgia lost his life after being involved in an automobile-bicycle crash. He was riding his bicycle on Lower Woolsey Road with a group of other cyclists when he was hit from behind while navigating a curve. The driver of the motor vehicle was listed as being distracted at the time of the accident in the police report.
Distracted driving is a significant problem in Georgia and surrounding states. A recent study provided evidence that Americans partake in distracted driving more than 50% of the time they are driving a car. Of that percentage, observable distractions accounted for 70% – talking or texting on the phone among them. Your chances of being involved in a crash nearly double while talking on a phone. Other distractions that we’ve likely all been guilty of include daydreaming, eating, grooming ourselves, and more.
April is Distracted Driving Awareness month, but we urge you to be vigilant throughout the rest of the year. Join us in making a pledge to stop distracted driving, even if it means turning off your cell phone while in the car. You may save your life and others, which is worth any sacrifice.
Categories: Auto Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Car Accident, Distracted Driving