For the last 12 years, Allstate has released a yearly “Best Drivers Report” listing cities around the nation ranked highest in safe-driving. The poll investigates vehicle collision frequency in the largest 200 cities in the United States. Unfortunately, Atlanta ranks low on the list yet again in 2016 – coming in at number 184. In 2015 and 2015 our city ranked 179th.
These numbers are unfortunate, but not necessarily surprising. Not only is the Metro-Atlanta area highly populated, but the number of vehicles being driven is higher than many other large U.S. cities due to lesser public transportation offerings. While Marta is offered, it is not nearly as all-inclusive and easy to use as transportation systems in many comparably sized cities. Atlanta is also the main transportation hub for the Southeast, offering one of the only routes to many popular travel destinations and manufacturing centers.
Allstate’s report ranked Brownsville, Texas as the safest city to drive in, with the average collision occurring a mere 14.6 years apart. In comparison, the national average is every 10 years. The safest state overall is Colorado and the most improved city is Anchorage, AK (ranking 58 spots higher than 2015). For the full report, visit www.allstate.com.
According to the National Safety Council, 2015 saw the highest number of roadway fatalities since 2008 – over 38,000. This may be attributed to the increased amount of time we spend traveling in vehicles on roadways, or perhaps it is due to an increase in distracted or intoxicated driving. Regardless the reason, it is as important as ever to use caution when traveling on Metro-Atlanta roadways. At Jones & Swanson, we hear from victims of Georgia automobile accidents every day. Until you’ve been injured in such a crash, they don’t seem as significant. But once you’ve witnessed the trauma first hand it is too late to take steps to prevent. For more information on automobile accidents and safety tips, visit www.awjlaw.com.
Categories: Announcements, Community Outreach, Distracted Driving, Drowsy Driving, Drunk Driving, Safety Tips, Texting Accidents