There is a brand new art gallery in town. Have you heard of Ahoy! There Be Dragons: A Whimsical Art Gallery? It’s not your average art gallery. They’re located just down the road from Jones & Swanson in the heart of the Marietta Square and only showcase art that has a whimsical feel.
We had the opportunity to sit down with the owner of this quirky spot to find out more.
Q: Tell Us About Yourself.
My name is Elizabeth Shick. For the past 30 years, I have been working as a Medical Legal Illustrator. I am the owner of Medical Visions Inc. We specialize in Medical Trauma Art, which involves creating posters that help explain injuries people have sustained in accidents to a courtroom.
Looking at traumatic injuries all the time started to give me nightmares. So, I began painting fantasy-style art to give my mind something else to visualize. But I have been making art since I was a child because my mother was an art teacher.
Q: What Made you Decide To Start An Art Gallery?
My husband, Kent, is a realtor. He actually knows the person who owns our building and the one next door. In December 2021 they were remodeling the building next door. They had empty window space, so I asked if I could put my Christmas-themed art on display there. After the holidays while taking my art down, I noticed that North Park Art Gallery was moving out.
I asked my husband to talk with the owner of North Park to see if we could rent the space for an art gallery of our own. After all, it was all ready to go; we would just have to hang some art and show up on the weekends.
I wanted to start an art gallery when I got a bit older, but the opportunity presented itself early. Plus, COVID-19 made me think hard about what I really wanted out of life, so I decided to go for it. It took a few months to set up, but we officially opened in April.
Q: Why A Whimsical Art Gallery, And What Are You Hoping To Accomplish With This Theme?
Well, my other job is about justice for the common man. At my gallery, I display and sell art for the common man. We have something for everyone – from teenagers to grandmothers, bikers to Comic-Coners, to blue-collar workers and people buying something for their pool houses. We get all sorts of people in here and we like that!
As for the artists – some of them are my friends from Dragon Con and others are local to the area. They also vary in age and background. I don’t care if they have an art degree or are self-taught. Art is good therapy for the people creating it and the people buying it. It’s fun and happy in here and we want people to smile, laugh, and have a good time.
Q: Are There Any Exciting Events We Can Look Forward To?
Every First Friday of the month, the Marietta Square holds an event called Art Walk. During that event we serve free wine, play music, and sometimes we even have jam sessions. People can come to hang out and have a great time.
Also, during July 4th and Chalktoberfest in October we’ll have a tent set up in front of the gallery where our artists will be selling art and meeting people.
for Updates on The Gallery And Other Future Events You Can Follow Them On facebook and Visit Their website.
Categories: Community Outreach, Outreach