Getting to know more about your personal injury attorney shouldn’t be as bland as reading a biography page. It should be fun!
That’s why we created a fun “37 Questions with Chase Swanson” video here at Jones & Swanson. This video is a play off Vogue’s popular “73 Question” interviews. Chase was chased around the office by an interviewer who wants to know everything they can about him, from his most overused emoji – the thumbs-up – to what superpower he wants the most – flight.
We hope you enjoy this fun take on an attorney interview and, hopefully, even get a few laughs at our expense. After all, by the end of the day, you should always make some time to have a bit of fun and entertainment, no matter what else is going on. If you do enjoy this video, let us know in the comments section below it and we’ll think about doing similar “37 Questions” interviews with other members of our law firm!
You can click here to view the video where it has been uploaded to YouTube. To get Attorney Swanson on your side for a personal injury case of your own in Marietta, please feel free to call our law firm at (770) 427-5498 today. You can also use an online contact form, if preferred.