Have you ever been behind the wheel of a vehicle and suddenly the sun was perfectly aligned so that you couldn’t see to navigate? This moment is often referred to as “sun glare” and can be very dangerous, especially on busy metro-Atlanta roadways.
These sun glare moments may be inevitable, but here are a few safety measures to try to prevent accidents and injuries as a result of them:
- Make use of your car’s visors. Most vehicles have at least one visor on the driver and passenger sides, which can be adjusted as needed. Many times you can switch them from front to side visors as well. While this doesn’t increase road visibility, it does block the sun from your eyes.
- Clean your windshield. Haze, smudges and dirt buildup on your windshield can make sun glare even worse. Glass cleaner is meant to keep windows clear not only for looks, but for these types of safety reasons as well.
- Wear sunglasses. Especially sunglasses with polarized lenses, which are made to diminish the sun glare’s intensity. Make sure they are easily accessible as well because you don’t want to become distracted while searching for them while behind the wheel.
- Slow down and back off. When sun glare is affecting your vision, it’s likely affecting the vision of drivers around you as well. That means they may brake suddenly and unexpectedly. Anytime the sun is an issue with visibility, you should reduce your vehicle’s speed and follow the vehicles in front of you much less closely than typically necessary.
- Clean your dashboard. Papers and other cluttering items can cause a glare on your windshield, making it even more difficult to see.
- Use your headlights and taillights. This sometimes makes your vehicle easier for other drivers to see.
The sun and its glare isn’t something you can control, but these safety precautions might be the difference in a safe commute and involvement in a crash.