As personal injury attorneys, safety on Georgia roadways tends to be one of our highest priorities and concerns – simply because we work with so many people affected by Georgia auto accidents. However, there are many other types of injury cases we’ve been involved with over the years. One type of injury many don’t often consider is that of firework damage.
Fireworks were legalized in Georgia last year, but under certain restrictions and regulations. For instance, you must be at least 18 to purchase fireworks and individuals with drugs or alcohol in their system are restricted from handling fireworks. Fireworks are intended to be used for celebrations, and New Years can be a perfect time to do so. Legally, there are certain times that fireworks can be ignited. On New Year’s, fireworks can be used until 1 am. In addition, there are places in Georgia where fireworks are banned. It is illegal to light fireworks within 100 yards of a hospital, nursing home, prison, nuclear power plant, or gas station. And it is unsafe to light fireworks near roadways.
Statistics reveal that younger individuals are more prone to firework injuries than others. The risk of injury is more prevalent to the 0-4 and 10-14 age groups. Even fireworks deemed as playful can be dangerous. Sparklers can burn as hot as 2,000 degrees and contribute to 79% of the injuries to those under five years old. So even the simplest and seemingly most innocent of fireworks poses a threat to users and those nearby.
From a personal injury lawsuit perspective, there are a variety of ways one could seek damages following a firework accident. The first is product liability, in which a claim might be brought against the manufacturer of the firework if fault can be proven. Another might occur if someone is harmed while on the property of another person who supplied the fireworks, or even handled them and put on a show. Premise liability could be a factor in this type of situation.
Regardless of the ties to personal injury lawsuits, Jones & Swanson seeks to educate readers about possible safety concerns they might not otherwise think of. Holidays such as New Years can involve celebrations with firework shows, so if you’re involved in such a gathering make sure to protect yourself and stay cautious. You never know when an accident will happen.
Categories: Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Product Liability